Advice, Bloating Marilia Chamon Advice, Bloating Marilia Chamon

How to Reset Your Gut, According to a Gut Health Expert

When it comes to gut health, there's an abundance of information available, some of which can be misleading or downright inaccurate. One of the hottest topics that continues to trend is the idea of "resetting" or "cleansing" the gut. While the terminology sounds appealing – who wouldn’t want to start with a clean slate – the concept of a gut reset is fundamentally flawed. Let's dive into the science behind our gut, and why the notion of a "reset" isn't as straightforward as it might seem.

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Advice, Bloating Marilia Chamon Advice, Bloating Marilia Chamon

How to Avoid Travel Constipation: Expert Tips for a Healthy Gut on the Go

Traveling can be an exciting adventure, but it often disrupts our daily routines, including our digestive system. Many individuals experience constipation while traveling, which can lead to discomfort and affect the overall travel experience. In this blog post, I delve into the causes of travel constipation and provide expert tips to help you maintain a healthy gut and keep things moving smoothly during your journeys.

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Advice, Bloating, IBS Marilia Chamon Advice, Bloating, IBS Marilia Chamon

Healthy and Satisfying: The Best Low FODMAP Snacks for Digestive Comfort

As a nutritionist and gut health expert, I understand the challenges faced by those seeking relief from gastrointestinal symptoms. In this comprehensive guide, I will provide you with detailed information on the low FODMAP diet, its benefits, and a curated list of the best low FODMAP snacks to support your digestive comfort.

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Bloating, IBS, Advice Marilia Chamon Bloating, IBS, Advice Marilia Chamon

IBS-SIBO Relief: A Comprehensive Guide to The Low Fermentation Diet

The low fermentation diet is a relatively new dietary approach that aims to reduce the production of gas and other byproducts from the fermentation of undigested carbohydrates in the gut. These byproducts, such as hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide, are thought to contribute to the bloating, pain, and altered bowel habits experienced by IBS sufferers. By minimising the fermentation process, the low fermentation diet may help alleviate these symptoms.

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